From Beast to Feast: The Intriguing but Not “Surprising” Journey of Mr. Beast and Feastables!

Jake Busceti
5 min readFeb 27, 2024


Hello! fellow users of the internet! Today, we’re diving into the tantalizing tale of how Mr. Beast, the master of viral philanthropy and YouTube hijinks, ventured into the wild world of snacks to bring us the delectable delight known as Feastables. Get ready to laugh, munch, and marvel at the epic saga of crunchy goodness!

It gets better towards the end, and I promise, if not, I will give you a lifetime supply of free Feastables straight from one of Mr. Beast’s islands.

Chapter 1: The Birth of a Snack-tacular Idea

It all started one fateful day when Mr. Beast, fuelled by a combination of caffeine and creativity, had a brainwave: Why not create the ultimate snack that combines the best of all worlds? Thus, Feastables were born — a heavenly fusion of chips, pretzels, and popcorn, all in one glorious bag. But little did Mr. Beast know, the journey from concept to crunch was about to be anything but smooth sailing.

Chapter 2: Trials and Tribulations in Snack land!

Ah, the joys of product development! Mr. Beast quickly discovered that creating the perfect snack wasn’t as easy as tossing ingredients into a blender and hitting “blend.” Oh no, it was a comedy of errors, with mishaps at every turn. From taste testers mistaking Feastables for pet food to a rogue popcorn kernel launching itself across the room and into Mr. Beast’s hair, it was a snack-sized rollercoaster of chaos.

Chapter 3: The Feastables Launch Extravaganza..

After months of trial and error (mostly error), the big day finally arrived: the Feastables launch extravaganza! Picture it: a red carpet adorned with pretzel twists, a popcorn confetti cannon, and Mr. Beast himself descending from the heavens on a giant chip. Okay, maybe that last part didn’t happen, but you get the idea.

The launch event was a spectacle to behold, complete with celebrity endorsements (shoutout to Jimmy Fallon, who couldn’t get enough of the cheesy goodness) and a live taste test that had the audience roaring with laughter. And as the first bag of Feastables rolled off the production line, Mr. Beast couldn’t help but feel a swell of pride. He had done it — he had conquered the snack world with his crunchy creation!

Chapter 4: The Best Parts of Feastables

Now, let’s talk about the best parts of Feastables, shall we? First off, the flavour explosion is like a party in your mouth (seriously, but not literally), with each bite delivering a symphony of savoury goodness. And don’t even get me started on the texture — crunchy, crispy, and oh-so-satisfying. It’s the kind of snack that leaves you reaching for more, even when you swear you’re full.

But perhaps the best part of all is the joy it brings to Mr. Beast’s fans around the world. Whether they’re munching on Feastables while binge-watching his latest videos or sharing a bag with friends during a late-night gaming session, it’s a snack that’s as much about community as it is about flavor.

So there you have it, folks — the hilarious journey of how Mr. Beast brought Feastables into our lives. From the initial spark of inspiration to the chaos of product development and finally, the triumphant launch, it’s been a wild ride. And as we munch our way through bag after bag of crunchy goodness, we can’t help but be grateful for Mr. Beast’s boundless creativity and his unwavering commitment to making the world a little bit brighter, one snack at a time.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some Feastables to devour. Until next time, keep snacking and stay silly, my friends!

Chapter 5: Create a Chocolate Flavour Named “Deez Nuts”..

Finally, I saved the best chocolate bar flavour for last! Besides the controversial twist in flavours and mysterious marketing that was put into the product, it surprisingly tasted good too, according to Mr. Beast’s recording “friends.” So much so that the Super Bowl thought it was a greater idea to market “Deez nuts” into making an ingenious Super Bowl advertisement. Wait, just take a look at this…

In all seriousness, he seems to not like the flavour very much, but probably the biggest upset would be the company Ditore and Dee’s Nuts not being very fond of this intriguing idea so much, so they took the time to fill out a lawsuit against Feastables, which would make Mr. Beast remove “Deez Nuts” completely off the product and as a flavour too. What a misfortune. I really wanted to try that flavour.. Dam it! (Be serious.) Moving forward, the main point would be that controversy does sell and it could help your next chocolate business get that initial reach it would be looking for to thrive in the unsaturated job market of chocolate, but nowadays chocolate tends to come with an extensive amount of saturated fat, which you should avoid when planning out your next business venture.

That’s why Feastables stands out; not only is it a healthy chocolate bar with extremely good-tasting flavours, but it also helps parents and kids become aware of the dangers and rapidly inclining obesity’s rates in America, which is why I would recommend you have a taste before you take your hands of that $6,000,000 jet you wish to see in real life.

Disclaimer: This blog article is not sponsored by Mr. Beast or Feastables (I wish it had been), so everything you see would most likely be a good help to society.

That is my Five Chapters on The Weird but not “surprising” Journey of Mr. Beast and Feastables! If you would like to have a sixth chapter, please give us a follow, as that would help us create more of these weird but funny blog articles.

Written by Jake Busceti at Medium, Chief Editor at Creative Roundup



Jake Busceti

Editor and Copywriter at Medium: Highlighting ambitious talent stories and documenting the tips to succeed! One step at a time. Chief Editor at Creative Roundup